Tonight Show Highlights

Here were my favorite monologue jokes and bits from last night’s Tonight Show with Conan O’Brien:

In Illinois a ten year-old boy, who does nothing but collect vacuum cleaners, says he can tell which model is running just by its sound. Yeah, the boy can also tell which bully is hitting him just by the feel of his fist.

Yesterday 549 musicians set a world record by forming the world’s largest mariachi band. Yeah, it’s good for them and bad for the people who just wanted to have a quiet meal at a Mexican restaurant.

Did you know that Madonna is in Israel this week and she’s visiting the Wailing Wall? Yeah, the ancient crumbling structure thousands of people have stuck things in said she was glad to be visiting the Wailing Wall.

And then there was this:

The entire desk segment was dedicated to announcing the winner of the Conan, Please Blow Up My Car. That was pretty much it.

Norm MacDonald was the first couch guest. I like Norm because his comedy is unique. It’s not always funny, but it’s different, so for me it’s fun. I get the impression that most people would substitute “unique” for “stupid.” Check out his interview and decide which camp you’re in.

Thomas Hayden Church was the second couch guest. He talked about his ranch and showed a clip from his new movie All About Steve. The interview was ok. I think it would have been better if Norm hadn’t hijacked it.

Pitbull was the musical guest. He’s a hip hop artist. He was decent.

Overall I give the show:

– Woody

Posted In: Late Night